Monday, April 25, 2011

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan:


Big Idea

Students will learn the purpose, composition, and value to scientists of NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper.

State Standards

8-1.1 Scientific Inquiry

8-1.2 Scientific Investigation

8-1.3 Forming Inferences in Science

8-4.10 Astronomers use Telescopes, Satellites, Space Probes and Spectrometers to Make Observations and Collect Data

8-6.7 Absorption and Reflection of Light Waves Resulting in the Human Perception of Color

8-6.8 Comparison of Wavelength and Energy of Waves within the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Connection to Curriculum Support Document

Students will be able to design an controoled scientific investigation and determine the effect of an independent variable in an experiment when all other variables can be controlled.
Students will analyze and compare the purposes of scientists' tools and technology utilized to study space.

Students will explain how the absorption and reflection of light waves by various materials result in the human perception of color.

Students will compare the wavelengths and energy of waves in various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Focus Questions

How does a spectrometer work?

How will the entire surface of the moon be mapped?

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills

A student must already know and be able to:

utilize the scientific method

explain phases of the Moon, tides, eclipses, motion

show knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum

use basic geometry (angle and length measurement)

Overview of Lesson

This is a WebQuest designed to engage Middle Level learners in pursuit of an undertsanding of Spectroscopy. It involves Cooperative Groups involved in hands-on activities. Through the process students will learn how to apply reflective spectra to identify minerals which make up the Moon. They will make their own simple spectrometer and use it, allowing them to become scientists in action.

Assessment Procedures

There is a Rubric for group work which will provide guidelines to achieve a successful outcome and product.

The Concept Map (created though Inspiration) will be evaluated wholistically with oral presentation before peers and teacher.

Lesson Preparation

Materials: computers for 30 students

Inspiration software on all computers

cereal boxes, aluminum foil, protractors, rulers, CDs, scissors, and tape to make spectrometer

Hook: Introduce lesson with space images from the M3 while playing Space Music (

Duration: 5 days

Activate student interest: Play Cool Cosmos game (

Overview: Explain how to work effectively within a cooperative group on a WebQuest


1.Introduce WebQuest/assign groups

2.Build spectrometer

3.WebQuest search

4.Development of group project/concept map

5.Presentationof concept map and findings



Students will do the work of scientists to analyze data and interpret the meaning and implications of the data. The experience of setting a goal with your group and working cooperatively to achieve that goal will be rewarding, and will allow students to contribute in the manner which makes each most comfortable. The pressure of an individual oral presentation will be negated, allowing every student to feel comraderie and success, the reward of a job well done.


Careful arrangement of cooperative groups so that any student who is likely to experience dificulty will have a buddy to aid them

Tailor instruction to student interest, readiness(concrete to abstract), and learning styles (visual, kinesthetic, auditory, and tactile)

Teacher oversight and support of small groups to ensure modifications, if needed

Extension activities of student choice from NASA or CoolCosmos websites

1 comment:

  1. Webquest Rubric:
    Exceeds Expectations 3 Points – exceeds expectations
    Meets Expectations 2 Points- 83–99% of the time
    Approaches Expectations 1 Point- 74-82% of the time
    Falls Far Below Expectations 0 Points- Does not meet

    1. Steps in Webquest assignment are addressed in a thoughtful manner - 3
    2. Demonstrates understanding of science concepts and links to planetary science - processes - 3
    3. Demonstrates understanding of pedagogy and tools - 3
    4. Communicates clearly and effectively - 3
    5. Addresses challenges in a proactive and effective manner - 3

    Cool and fun lesson and webquest. Thanks for your effort on this. 100%
