Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog 5

1.Concept Map:

2.South Carolina Standards which are relevant to WebQuest 4 are in the attached lesson plan.

3.Essential learning from Support Documents (Grade 8 Science) is also included in the lesson plan which accompanies this blog.

4. Through this WebQuest the students will work in small teacher-selected groups through a series of inquiry- based tasks. Each task will build on the previous task and will promote collaborative work in setting a group goal and working together to attain it.

The resources which I selected were chosen for their high degree of color, movement, invitation to interaction, multimedia options, and scientific reliability. Even the students who lack knowledge of NASA and lunar science should find the WebQuest stimulating and easy to navigate. The Group products will demonstate collaboration and encouragement from student to student, and from teacher to individuals and to the group.

5.Some students have little idea of NASA's past, present, and future missions. Some may feel that space exploration is a luxury which we can no longer afford. I hope they will come to realize, as I do, that our country cannot afford to let our space missions lapse. Other countries will not be complacent, instead moving forward as we fund wars instead of the exploration of space. Of course I want the students to form their own opinions and reach their own conclusions as to the necessity of keeping space exploration in the forefront, rather than on the back burner. The final space shuttle launch in July, 2011 will spur discussion of this topic. I feel that the WebQuest lesson will enable the students to speak with scientific knowledge as their guide through thoughtful introspection of the topic.

6. I learned many new things from the construction of this lesson:
purpose and goals of a Web Quest
how a WebQuest connects concepts
cross-linking of ideas
encouraging tolerance of divergent views
concept mapping as a group goal

7.What type of global partnership is involved in the Chandaryaan Mission?
The European Space Agency, China, Japan, India and NASA (United States) all woked together on India's fist foray into space exploration.

When will the M3 Mission goal of mapping the entire Moon surface be met?
The Chandaryaan-2 Mission will begin in 2013. It will utilize the mapping information that has been returned to Earth by M3 since its launch in 2008 and will continue the task of mapping the lunar surface.

8.Through the development of WebQuest 4, I learned how to construct a high-interest inquiry-based lesson which is adaptable to a variety of learning styles and student background levels. The value is in the process of research, not just the products the groups will produce and demonstrate at the conclusion.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have enjoyed learning about WQs and their use in the classroom for increasing inquiry.

    Blog is posted on time-3
    Blog is readable and clear-3
    Blog reflects upon all guiding questions : 3
    1. Develop a concept map, which outlines the big ideas addressed in this webquest along with the fundamental concepts, which students should have as prior knowledge.
    2. What SC standards (science, math, or otherwise) are related to the teachings/activities in the webquest?
    3. Using your support documents for these standards, what is essential for students to understand?
    4. How can the materials/information be used to help students develop their essential understandings? How can you modify the information or lesson to address the development of these understandings?
    5. What key misconceptions commonly inhibit a clear and accurate understanding of this content? How should you modify your instruction to address these misconceptions?
    6. What new scientific information did you learn in this lesson? Addressed previously.
    7. What questions do you still have? (Write at least two and answer them with the resources and links provided.)
    8. What new instructional practice did you learn? Describe how you can use this in the classroom.

    Blog is thoughtful and creative--3

